The beauty of Art

January 03, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

One of my other passions in life is to help others through difficult situations by using therapy. I am a licensed clinical social worker and work as a clinical therapist with adolescents and their families. I always talk to my clients about the importance of using healthy coping skills to manage emotions that can sometimes be overwhelming. I would say one of the most calming healthy coping skills that I often encourage others to use is ART. There is no such thing as right or wrong art. You don't have to turn it in for a grade and there is no need to impress others. I use photography as a artistic outlet for me all ready, however, I am going to challenge myself this year. Instead of wasting way too many hours playing video games of watching YouTube videos...lets see what I can draw. When I was younger I had a bed time of 9 PM. Most of the time I was not quite ready to go to bed, so I would draw ambulances, fire trucks, airplanes, cars, etc until I got tired. I encourage you, no, I challenge you to rediscover a gift or talent you once had make it your own once again.





The following are some pictures that I drew when I was younger. Hopefully ya'll can see the improvements. I sure can. 


Responding to a call. The light changing due to special light signaling that comes from the ambulance. 


Fire station. Sometimes. 


Look closely at the window. they are not parallel to the plane. 


I always wanted to fly on an airplane that takes off and lands on the water. "A Airlines" ...named after myself of course. 


Much Improved!


Take off time. 


Don't forget the luggage. 


Flight for life. Hopefully, I never need it as a patient. However, I did get to fly along with UCAN Chicago for one of my EMT Clinical rotations. They are a pediatric flight for life with University of Chicago Hospital.  





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